shemale Miranda Meadows

Hot Shemale in Lingerie and Fishnets gets her sexy Ass fucked

Miranda Meadows is a very fit Shemale. I keep trying to tell these models, if you work your core and eat right, you may have less problems getting and staying hard. Miranda practices pilates and her Shemale cock got hard and stayed hard nearly the entire time. With a cock that big, that’s very rare. Initially when we were chatting, I noticed that Shemale Miranda was writing very long, detailed replies, which got me interested immediately. We decided to write a scenario where some guy named “Brad” (most random name I could think of) turned Miranda on by talking to her on the phone. Miranda made it clear that talking about the scene and reading the scenario made her very, very horny and it showed during the shoot. She likes it rough as can be. You can toss her around, chock her, kiss her very roughly, pin her up against a wall and really fuck her brains out and she won’t complain. She’s a total bottom to the point where she’s never even topped any one. Her Shemale dick was so large that she couldn’t fit the penis pump, not that she needs one of those things. The ruler says 8″, but it seems much larger than that at times. Click below to see her getting fucked

Hot Shemale in Lingerie and Fishnets gets her sexy Ass fucked